The Secret Behind Successful Crypto Investing
The story and philosophy behind investing in small, high quality, under followed and under appreciated cryptos in the digital gold rush
In the summer of 2022, amidst the aftermath of the LUNA, 3AC, Celsius, and Voyager collapses, I launched my first newsletter.
In hindsight, it turned out to be the very bottom of the bear market.
It was safe to say that most people had left crypto for dead, and for good reason
I remember everyone around me saying to give it up
Crypto was all but dead and everyone I knew in the market during the peak had practically vanished.
I, on the other hand, had a different idea about what was happening. I believed things were far from over.
In fact, I believed we were at the beginning of what would be the biggest financial opportunity of our lifetime.
But what did I know?
I had no background in Wall Street
I was not a registered investment advisor
And aside from having access to telegram groups, youtube, and twitter I had no special insights into financial markets beyond the general public
I did however understand two critical aspects that escaped most investors
I knew crypto was going to profoundly transform the way we transact value in a digital era
I knew Wall Street and the financial media were failing miserably in explaining the opportunities and risks of this market.
It was clear to me that no one had any real idea of how much money people were making in crypto.
When I tried explaining it to people they looked at me like I was speaking in a foreign language.
They had absolutely no understanding of the asset class. Everyone thought it’s only function was as a type of currency
Better yet, the only cryptos they knew of, were BTC, ETH or DOGE.
Beyond Coinbase or Binance they had no idea about the vast potential of on chain investing and what kind of returns people were making.
So, from my bedroom desk in my small hometown I took it upon myself to tell people what was really going on…
I wrote about the REAL opportunity of crypto and how on chain investing was making early investors VERY rich.
“What I saw, and still see, is the biggest opportunity of our lifetimes. This is a once in a generation opportunity to invest in a brand new multi trillion dollar asset class that has emerged essentially out of thin air.” - Welcome to Digital Asset Research, July 2022
In that first letter I predicted the inevitable resurgence of crypto while many highly esteemed professionals around me were calling it a dead asset.
Unfortunately, that letter never made it past 100 or so views but it laid the foundation on which 1995 Digital Asset Research was built.
Over the last two years we have refined our approach to help investors identify big, industry transforming ideas before anyone else.
Ideas with the potential to make you a fortune in a world changing, but largely misunderstood asset class.
We work relentlessly to find the most important opportunities in the entire crypto sector.
We predicted— often long before anyone else—some of the most important developments and investments trends in crypto over the last two years.
“I believe the meme coin casino is an opportunity that is not to be overlooked as it has developed into a social, economic, and financial phenomenon of the likes which we have never seen before.” - The Best Risk to Reward Opportunity You May Ever See, February 2023
Today, everyone is saying memes offer the best returns, but our readers were far ahead of the curve.
Have we gotten everything right?
No, of course not. I don’t claim perfection. Some of our predictions and investment ideas have been flat out wrong. But that’s part of the game when trying to find 10-100x returns.
Our goal has always been clear. We are here to provide our readers with unparalleled market research that they can use to put themselves in a position to make a fortune.
To give our readers expert insights and analysis into market psychology and cycles so that they can make sense out of markets when nothing else does.
In the second half of last year after spotting the coming meme coin “super cycle” I put together a watchlist for investors that returned an average gain of over 700% in just 7 months.
One of our top recommendations, MOG we gave to readers at the blue arrow. It rose over 6,500%
Or take NPC a meme we highlighted back in early December with big potential.
That idea has materialized into a 5,000% gain since then.
In November I wrote about the potential of Coinbase’s L2 chain BASE. We recommended TOSHI to subscribers.
It rose nearly 35x in the next 5 months.
But memes aren’t all we share with readers.
Our last nine months of portfolio research has led us to identify the number one way to beat the market.
We have recently revamped our watchlist to deliver this strategy to our subscribers. This simple yet powerful method has led us to finding huge winners not only in the high risk sector but also among fundamental projects.
Just earlier this year we wrote about FREN PET the emerging on chain crypto game that had AXIE like potential.
We recommended it at $0.77c it hit an all time high over $16.00. Thats a 20x on your money.
We also recommended Solana at $32. It hit $209 recently
FET at $0.29 cents. It soared above $3.00 in recent months.
These are the type of gains that are happening in crypto that no mainstream financial letter will tell you about.
But the question is why doesn’t anyone know about this?
The financial media would have you believe that crypto is risky and you will lose all your money.
But what they won’t tell you is that you can’t afford not to have exposure to this asset class.
Not only is is the best risk adjusted asset we have ever seen,
but the performance far outpaces even the highest returning traditional assets.
With inflation on the rise, wage growth down, and the overall global currency debasement you can no longer afford to ignore this asset.
In fact, it’s the whole reason I started this newsletter in the first place. I saw an economic backdrop that has left millions of young people without hope of a better future.
My goal has always been to help people understand why this is important and what they can do about it.
The opportunity to change your financial destiny has never been greater and today we are laying out our next steps.
Every year, I strive to enhance the information we provide, making it a little better, a little more comprehensive, a little more useful, and a little more insightful than the previous year.
What we are doing here is unlike anything else on the market.
We are not here to sell you on certain cryptos or pump low market cap coins.
I’m not even going to promise you that crypto will make you rich or save the world.
What I am here to do is share with you the right way to look at markets and the right way to invest in them.
I’m here to share my knowledge of social trends and crypto narratives so that we can make the most money out of the market and more importantly… keep it.
Most people will tell you every crypto they hold is the next bitcoin. Run far away if they believe that.
This is a volatile market and very few projects will live to tell the tale in 5 to 10 years. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t use human emotions and behavior to our advantage so long as we understand the cycle and when the music stops.
Picking long term individual winners is an extremely hard thing to do. In fact, in a recent report I read, over 58% of stocks are losers in the long term. That means the majority of stocks are not worth holding over long periods.
And people think crypto is risky….
What our research does, is tell you WHEN to take risks and when to be conservative.
You see, my story did not end in 2021 like everyone else who just got lucky. I went on to find windfall investment opportunities in 2022, 2023, and 2024.
The issue I had was keeping it. I had a knack for finding great investment ideas but then I would go bust.
My problem…
I was taking too much risk. At the wrong times.
I knew I had to figure the market out. I knew I wanted to take risk. I just had to know when to back off.
In late 2022 I had began to undertake and intensive study on one of the most mysterious and successful speculators of all time W.D. Gann.
Gann was not new to me.
I had been following Gann analysis for over 10 years at that point. But when I missed the 2022 low in the stock market I knew I had to take it more seriously.
Many people will tell you that timing the market is impossible.
If you believe that THEN THIS LETTER IS NOT FOR YOU.
Unlike 99% of the technical analysts you follow we take a different approach.
We study time and not price.
You see there are two axis on every chart the vertical axis for price, and the horizontal axis for time. Yet no one thinks to study time, they all focus on price.
The truth is, time is the most important factor in the market, not price.
In fact just by focusing on time and cycles we have been able to predict this market with extraordinary accuracy.
It’s how we called the March 2023 Banking crisis low to the hour.
We then called the Stock market low in October. And, not only did we call it in October, we even went so far as to say the market would make a new ATH in the next few months.
It did, and no one expected it. You can read that article below:
And, only a few days before that, we called the low to the minute on BTC on October 11 while everyone thought it was over.
It then rallied from 25k to 75k in the following months.
We also called the January ETF top TWO MONTHS IN ADVANCE and predicted the EXACT price action before and afterwords (ETF top was 49K!).
Its one thing to get it right on the day thats impressive enough but we did it two months before it happened. And then followed up by calling the LOW on that Tuesday the 23rd.
Then in January we privately predicted to subscribers that BTC would hit a new all time high by April.
NO ONE saw that coming.
We did, and predicted the EXACT price action that led to it.

More recently we gave our subscribers the April 8/9 top weeks in advance and then the subsequent late April/Early May window to watch 5 months in advance.
We have called every major turning point in this market since March of 2023 and our latest prediction is here.
As a trader you could have made MILLIONS of dollars off of these important turning points and investment ideas. And it’s all based on one little known secret of the market…
You may not like it but then again, it may not be for you.
Not only do we give you the signals but more importantly we teach you how to do it. Our goal is to put you in the position to “get lucky”.
Something we have helped many of our subscribers do in just the last 9 months.
Here, just take a look the current returns to our MEME coin watchlist we have put together for subscribers (tickers not shown because these are still active trades):
Thats an average gain of 942%! I imagine you’d be hard pressed to find a better portfolio anywhere.
However, that’s just the tip of the spear.
Our broader market analysis is on par with the best in this industry.
And, what comes next is going to be the most critical phase of the cycle.
If you do not understand how to navigate it and where to put your money, or more importantly WHEN to pull your money out you could be ruined.
You will end up like 95% of the other market participants that have no understanding of the most important market force…TIME.
It will be an extremely emotional market to navigate, but our readers will be well prepared and aware of exactly where we are.
Our 2 year anniversary marks an important milestone going forward and coincides with a very important turning point in this market.
Since we have grown into a full time service with unparalleled market insight we will be adding to our service to give premium readers maximum value.
What we offer with the full premium subscription:
Weekly Market Outlook & Weekly Cycle Overview
Specific days to watch and action to take each week
Where exactly we are in the cycle, what to expect next and how to position
Exact dates to watch for major turning point in the market
I will be giving subscribers EXACT dates to watch for the major turns in the market and we will do it weeks if not months in advance.
Specific Alt coins/Meme coin portfolio watchlists
Carefully selected alt coins with deep dives based on years of investing experience in low caps
Weekly chart reviews
Going over chart setups and small caps that look promising, as well as taking subscriber requests for charts to analyze
Daily insights and analysis
Private chat with commentary on the current position of the market/ investment ideas and projects to watch
NFT coverage
We will eventually, when the time is right go into coverage of NFTs that are promising in this new cycle what to look for and how to invest in this sector.
That’s how we will proceed moving forward I believe we deliver far more value than just making you money, we teach you investment skills that you can take with you for life.
I hope you will join the hundreds of other subscribers who have not only made money, but more importantly learned how markets actually work.
Lastly, don’t take it from me, take it from subscribers who have been with us and realized the power of our work in their own portfolios. I know many of our early subscribers have cleared well over six figures in profits and, in some cases, even seven.
—“Clear and actionable insights, clear take on market direction. Keep up the good work.” -Robbie
—“I have multiple subscriptions, and I find yours to be the best ones: clear direction. Very good work indeed. Thank you." -Aleks
— "I've experimented with numerous crypto subscriptions, and yours undoubtedly stands out for its exceptional technical analysis and market insights. Keep up the great work—you're doing an outstanding job." -Dorian
— “@1995research has been a great teacher to my personal trading this cycle and has been right a lot of the times, therefore putting my self ahead of the curve.” -Micah
— “I strongly recommend everyone who is questioning where we are in the market or what could be next to do themselves a favor and check it out. I can assure you will be benefited and will be more educated and aware of what’s really going on.” -Joey
— “This guy is a wiz a great follow for general market insight.” -Nicolai
— “You were the first person to put BASE on my radar in late January before anyone else talked about it. I made well over 6 figures because of it” - Andy
You could be next and I hope you will join us.
Thank you,