Weekly Watchlist Update
The market is still showing impressive strength this week. With the flash crash on BTC and the subsequent bounce alts really got a nice bid. I am doing quite a bit of research around BTC and its price action here and I believe there is a scenario where January is a green month. I will have much more on this for you next week as well as stock market analysis. Now is where things start to get really important in stocks and crypto. With the start of a new year the market is going to bring in new time factors and challenges that we want to stay ahead of. I plan to release my 2024 outlook on Monday so keep an eye out for that.
As for our watchlists, this week I want to share how our watchlist have been doing with non subscribers. I am not sure everyone is aware of the success we have been having in this market and I want everyone to benefit fully from our work. With that said you can find a preview below of our watchlists and the percentage gains respectively. The full analysis is reserved for paid subscribers. All in all a strong week to start the year.
100x Watchlist
Future Blue Chips Watchlist
Market Dominators Watchlist
Meme Watchlist